011AB10005     Enclosure Ditch North                                                Back to the main Document



This is the northern section of the middle phase of the large enclosure system, which extends up to the stream channel to the east. The cut numbers are indicated in red.
The western section from the turn to the south up to the entrance (cut numbers 011AB00177, 011AB00069, 011AB00055, 011AB00094, 011AB00057 and 011AB00092), is generally shallow and contains one fill only. This is a dark, humic fill (Munsell colour 10/YR/34) and contains chalk inclusions of between 10% and 15%. The ditch is generally U-shaped in profile, apart from where it turns to the south, where it is slightly V-shaped. This section of the ditch contains relatively few objects (16) and animal bones (40). Of note are 2 sherds of Roman pottery from section 011AB00069. Also notable were the two dog bones were recovered from the westernmost two segments (011AB00069 and 011AB00177). No stratigraphic relationships occurred in this section of the enclosure ditch.

The eastern section which extends from the entrance to the stream channel has stratigraphic relationships with three pits. Section 011AB00334 is cut by pits 011AB00336 and 011AB00539, although the relationship with 011AB00539 was not clearly established during excavation. The relationship of section 011AB00185 with pit 011BF00521, which is part of the possible granary structure 011BF10019, was also not established.