Working with Open_EV part 2

The rather bland image you are now looking at has hidden depths, but first you need to know what you are looking at. This multi-spectral image is composed of 12 different bands, and Open_EV has defaulted to combining bands 1, 2 and 3 as RGB (red/green/blue) values. These are the blue, blue-green and green bands, which in this case do not contain a great deal of archaeological information. We need to display a different combination of bands. To do this, click on the Edit/ Layers submenu (see below), which should bring up the layers dialogue. Right click on the image name (next to the slightly Egyptian looking eye, see below) and

Edit open_EV layers dialogue      Right click to bring up editing dialogue

a new dialogue will appear (see below). Click on the Raster Source menu. Right click in the Band areas (indicated by the arrows in the diagram). Change the numbers to 4, 3 and 2 respectively, which will give a "normal colour" look to the image, although it is not quite what the human eye would see.

 Change band combinations in open_EV

You should now see something like the image below on screen. Now its time to extract something more meaningful from this data source.